Crochet Snow Man☃️☃️☃️ #crochet #diy #handmade #chr

Crochet Snow Man☃️☃️☃️ #crochet #diy #handmade #christmas #snowman #amigurumi #decoration

Dear friends, I have a little typo, I hope you understand. R16. (1sc,1dec)*10 (20) Hook 2,5mm, yarn art jeans 0:00 Introduction 0:25 r1. Mr 6sc (6) 0:58 r2. 6inc (12) 1:48 r3. (1 sc,1 inc)*6 (18) 2:42 r4. (1sc,1inc, (2sc, 1inc)*5, 1sc (24) 3:52 r5. (3sc,1 inc)*6 (30) 4:43 r6. 2sc,1inc, (4sc,1 inc)*5, 2sc (36) 6:16 r7,8,9...r14. 36sc (36) 7:04 r15. (4sc,1 dec)*6 (30) 8:26 r16. (1 sc,1 dec)*10 (20) 9:50 r17. 10dec (10) 10:59 r18. FLO 10inc (20) 12:21 r19. (1sc,1 inc)*10 (30) 13:15 r20. 1sc, 1inc, (2sc,1 inc) *9, 1sc (40) 14:19 r21,22,23...30. 40sc (40) 15:16 r31. (2sc, 1 dec)*10 (30) 16:34 r32. (1 sc,1 dec)*10 (20) 17:39 stuffed Nose 20:06 r1. Mr 4sc (4) 20:34 r2. 4 sc (4) 21:09 r3. (1 sc,1 inc)*2 (6) 21:48 r4. 6sc 22:35 Arms r1. Mr 6sc 22:56 r2. (1 sc,1 inc)*3 (9) 22:34 r3. 9sc 24:05 r4. 1sc, 1bobble stitch, 7sc (9) 25:14 r5. 9sc 25:52 change color 26:00 r6. BLO 9 sc (9) 27:06 r7,8,9,10. 9sc (9) 27:56 r6FLO SL to the end 29:04 hide yarn 29:26 Sew the 2 edges together 30:06 scarf 32:50 hat r1. Mr. 6sc (6) 33:18. R26inc (12) 33:54 r3. (1sc, 1inc)*6 (18) 34:38 r4. (2sc, 1inc)*6 (24) 35:29 r5 BLO 24sc 36:33 r6,7, 8. 24sc (24) 37:17 r9 24 sc (24) 38:05 r10 FLO 24inc (48) 39:13 r11. 48sc (48) 40:44 buttons Mr 8sc (8) 41:30 fix the parts and sew on the snowman: Put the eyes between r9&r10, 6titches apart. Sew the nose r10,11,12. Embroidery mouth r13&14



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