Hi! In this video I show how to make a 3D fashion #shoecake decorated with fondant **********************More shoe videos************************ Shoe Cake Idea https://youtu.be/JLsbhZ2GVHY Chocolate Shoe https://youtu.be/4PycexXk-8s To stay up to date with my latest videos, make sure to SUBSCRIBE to this YouTube channel (if you are not). To find out more about the items I use, please visit: http://www.cakesstepbystep.com/ You can support this channel by sharing my videos. Thank you. ************************FOLLOW ME******************************** *FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/cakesstepbystep/ *INSTAGRAM http://instagram.com/cakesstepbystep/ *PINTEREST http://www.pinterest.com/cakesstepbystep/ *TWITTER https://twitter.com/CakesStepByStep/ Cakes StepbyStep is about cakes and cupcakes decorating with fondant and buttercream frosting. Also you can watch simple chocolate decoration techniques and #cake recipes. Learn with me basic #cakedecoration techniques which will help you to decórate your own cake masterpiece. ***********HAVE FUN! Music from Youtube Audio Library.
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