The Most EXTREME Chocolate Dessert!

The Most EXTREME Chocolate Dessert!

The Most EXTREME Chocolate Dessert! Hi! Today i bring you a fancy chocolate dessert idea. The chocolate shoe design is inspired on a real shoe made by "Nina Marie Shoes". *For more amazing videos make sure to SUBSCRIBE and enable ALL notifications so you never miss a video! *You can support my channel sharing my videos. Thank you! More videos from my channel: How To Temper Chocolate At Home/How To Make a Chocolate Shoe How To Make a CHOCOLATE HIGH HEEL SHOE / Tempered Chocolate & Royal Icing High Heel Fashion CHOCOLATE Stiletto Shoe Cake - How To Make by CakesStepbyStep Cakes StepbyStep is about cakes and cupcakes decorating with fondant and buttercream frosting. Also you can watch simple #chocolate #decoration techniques and cake recipes. Learn with me basic cake decoration techniques which will help you to decorate your own cake masterpiece. ***********HAVE FUN! Music credit: "Dreams come true" Artist: Silver Dolphin Music License Creative Commons CC BY #extremechocolate #extremedessert



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