Wooden terraces and flooring near the house and the infield! 35 ideas

Wooden terraces and flooring near the house and the infield! 35 ideas for inspiration!

Wooden terraces and flooring near the house and the infield! 35 ideas for inspiration! In one of the past VIDEOS dedicated to the arrangement of a place for dining on the street, wooden floorings on the ground have already been mentioned, but only in passing. Let's take a closer look at how such a flooring is arranged, what materials are used, how different variations may look. This video is educational in nature! Author of the channel "100 Ideas!" demonstrates terraces and explains their merits. We've made significant changes to our content using the Movavi Video Suite 18 video editor. Edited several videos in a specific order to unleash the creator's creativity, and overlaid the recorded audio track with instructions and free music on YouTube. #garden #landscaping #backyard



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